Monday, May 2, 2011

Another itty bitty post

Hi guys.

I only have a minute, because I just went for a run and I'd like to have some dinner.

Day 2 of the blogathon, and I already feel like I'm drowning in work. I have to get caught up. Hopefully, once that happens, I'll be able to dig in to this whole idea of "intimacy" that I mentioned on my drive home last night (which is when I posted...thanks, Blogdroid!).

I am hoping that this Blogathon will help me spend real time exploring my thoughts and feelings surrounding weight, health, body image, and how all of this is connected to everything else in my life.

Is anyone reading?


  1. I'm reading- I am interested to see where your discussion leads you and I will definitely be following along. On a side note- WHAT is blogdroid?? And HOW do I get one :)

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment- I really appreciate it! :)

    Blogdroid is an Android app. It "pushes" posts to if I'm on the road (which I am frequently), I can still update the blog without having to get online. It's been a huge help so far this week!
